Gibson McCook Relays tickets go on sale tomorrow | Sports



Tickets for the 45th renewal of the Gibson McCook Relays this Saturday are set to go on sale tomorrow on the event’s website.

The tickets, as per usual, inside the National Stadium, will carry different prices for different spaces.

Tickets for seats parallel with the finish line in the Grandstand, for instance, will cost $4600, while it will cost just $3500 for anywhere else.

Tickets for the bleachers will cost patrons $600.

As was announced in media previously, only fully vaccinated persons will be approved for tickets to the event.

Rainford Wilks, chairman of the Gibson McCook Relays organising committee, said he is expecting a full take up of the 8500 tickets that will be on sale.

“It (tickets) will be available at the Gibson McCooks Relays website and the link will be there for persons to go and apply for tickets,” Wilks said.

“It will then go through the process where persons will be asked to upload their vaccination certificates and it will then go through the process of verification and within no more than 24-hours an approval will be there for them to purchase their tickets,” he said.


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