Flow and pension issues solved



Dear Claudienne,

I live in Boscobel, St Mary and I am e-mailing you on behalf of an elderly neighbour who is 86 years old. This senior citizen is on his own as his wife is in England and she herself is not well.

His wife called me from the United Kingdom and asked me to assist her husband to get a home phone installed.

In late April 2021, we went to the Port Maria branch of Flow and applied for the home phone service. I filled in the phone application forms and was told weeks ago that they would install the phone shortly.

A young Flow technician phoned me a few days after I applied for the service and I took him to the residence where he installed the phone.

After installing the phone, the technician tried to see if calls could be made from it. He discovered that he could not activate the service and after assuring me that Flow would activate the service the following day, he left.

At the time of sending you this e-mail (May 24, 2021), it has been three weeks, since the promise was made to activate the service. Every time I phone them (five times) the customer service people tell me that they are going to escalate it.

Eventually, I went back to the store in Port Maria to complain and the agent told me that the phone had not been activated because it was not in the line for activation. She let me speak with a Flow agent in Guyana, who told me that she could not give me a time frame for the activation of the phone line.

After expressing my dissatisfaction with the situation, the agent rang her manager. The manager assured me that it would be sorted out by Saturday, May 23, 2021.But here we are (May 24) and we can still make no calls from the phone.

I would appreciate your help urgently.



Dear KR

Tell Claudienne has been in communication with Flow daily, re your concerns.

On Saturday, May 29, 2021 you told the column that a Flow technician, who was at the senior citizen’s house to do the installation, discovered that calls could not be made from the phone as it had a fault.

We note that Flow sorted out the problem on Sunday, May 30, and that calls can now be made from the phone.

We wish you all the best.


Dear Claudienne,

I make reference to my NIS pension which was applied for on October 2019,

Recent checks at the local office in Montego Bay indicated that the pension was ready and mailed out.

I was told that the proceeds of NIS book and cheque were mailed out in April 2020. However, I have made several trips to the post office since ,with no success. I am seeking your assistance in locating same.



Dear BH

Tell Claudienne contacted the NIS and notes that you are now in receipt of the pension as the problems have been cleared up.

We wish you all the best.


Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 876- 936-9436 or cell # 876-484-1349, or write to: Tell Claudienne c/o Sunday Finance, Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or email:edwardsc@jamaicaobserver.com. Please include a contact phone number.

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