Juror's non-payment, NIS delay
Dear Claudienne,
I am writing you as a frustrated person who worked as a juror at the Spanish Town courts in February 2019, and who, up to now, has not been paid.
I wrote up the form for the payment to be sent to my account and after waiting for some time and not seeing anything reflected in my account I called Court Management Services in February 2020, I was told that two cheques were prepared for me but were now stale dated. I told the clerk that I had asked for a direct payment and was not expecting that the payments would be made by cheques.
The clerk asked me to come in and fill out the form for direct payment and I told her that I had just done surgery and was unable to move about.
She e-mailed the form to me and I downloaded it. I filled out the form and got a bearer to take it to the Court Management Office the following day.
I am writing to you on April 2021 and I have still not got the payment. Every time I call I am told that they will call me back but they have never called me.
I have now done another surgery and am unable to go in the Court Management Office in Kingston.
I would appreciate your help in this matter.
Dear KW
Tell Claudienne informed Court Management Services of your concerns on April 29,2021. On May 13, 2021 the column was informed that the stipend due to you has been sent to the accountant General. Please check your bank account for the payment.
We wish you all the best.
Dear Claudienne,
In December 2019. I visited the NIS office in Spanish Town to file a pension claim as I would be turning 65 on January 2, 2020.
Given the novel coronavirus pandemic, it has been difficult to get information from the NIS head office in Kingston in regards to my claim as the phones are not working.
When I eventually spoke to a young lady in the Spanish Town NIS office, she told me that the claim was being investigated and would take six months to up to a year to be finalised.
I would appreciate your help to find out when I am likely to be told if my claim is valid and when am I likely to receive any funds.
It would be helpful if the office could communicate the claim process through a flowchart to assist persons in understanding the procedure.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear LW
Since November 2020, Tell Claudienne has been in communication with the NIS in regard to your pension claim.
The NIS has advised the column that you began to receive payments at the end of November 2020.
We wish you all the best.
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