Pensions and water issues dealt with



Dear Claudienne,

I am writing to you on behalf of my father, who was employed as a watchman at a primary school in Westmoreland. He retired in March 2019 and applied for his pension. But at the time of sending you this e-mail (July 7,2020), he has been unable to get information from the Ministry of Education (MOE) about his retirement benefits.

The ministry told him that in order to get his pension they needed his original birth certificate, temporary and permanent appointment letters and original TRN card. The ministry also required him to submit a completed pension particular form, a statutory declaration form and a election of pension form.

My father will appreciate your help.


Dear MC,

Tell Claudienne has been in constant communication with the Pensions and Salaries Departments of the MOE and notes that the processing of your father’s pension has finally been completed. The MOE has sent his file to the Pensions Unit of the Ministry of Finance for his pension payments to be calculated. Please tell your father to contact the MOF and the Accountant General’s Department which will make his pension payments. We wish you all the best. 

Dear Claudienne,

I own a house in Ensom Acres, Spanish Town, St Catherine, and I am now living in Canada. My problem concerns the National Water Commission (NWC) which has billed me for $23,540.83, due July 8, 2021, even though my premises have been vacant since January 2021.

I have sent several e-mails to the NWC pointing out that there is negative consumption at the premises as it is unoccupied, However, they have continued to send estimated bills.

I would appreciate your help in this matter.


Dear MW,

Tell Claudienne contacted the NWC manager for St Catherine and note that they sent you an e-mail on August 20, 2021 that stated the following:

In regards to your query, based on checks done on the account, we are seeing where the meter reader was unable to acquire an actual reading from your meter due to negative consumption. Thus, your usage was estimated based on your three previous actual usages. However, a service order is currently open for a meter inspection to be carried out at your premises. The current balance is $37,824.44 which is due on the 9th of September 2021.”

The column notes that the NWC did an inspection at your property on August 30,2021.

Via WhatsAap you advised Tell Claudienne on September 22, 2021, as follows: “I have received the bill from NWC with the correct reading. I want to thank you for helping me get the situation resolved.”

We wish you all the best. 

Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 876- 936-9436 or cell # 876-484-1349 or write to: Tell Claudienne c/o Sunday Finance, Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or e-mail: Please include a contact phone number.


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