COVID-positive cabbie to be charged for isolation breach | News



The Portland police are preparing to lay charges against a COVID-positive taxi operator who reportedly breached his isolation order.

The cabbie, who is from Chilly Lane in Port Antonio, was warned for prosecution on Tuesday in the presence of his father less than 24 hours after the police launched a search to locate him.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Julio Francis told The Gleaner on Tuesday that statements were collected from persons who reportedly saw the taxi driver operating his vehicle on Saturday, three days after he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

According to Francis, he has since received supporting documents that reportedly show that the taxi man tested positive for the virus on September 8. The cabbie should have been in home isolation for 14 days.

“He was warned for prosecution and he will be charged. He is not in the best of health, and based on his condition, some of the officers are a little fearful to approach him to serve the summons,” said Francis.


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