Covid causes shift in car crashes
THE coronavirus crisis has had a big impact on the nature and number of car crashes, according to analysts.
Accident aftercare services and vehicle tech company AX found the total number of rear-end smashes it recorded dropped by 27 per cent last year compared with 2019.
And although the pandemic meant the overall amount of collisions reduced, the proportion of cars damaged by being “hit in rear” also fell by nearly 18 per cent from 30 to 24.7 per cent of all accidents handled by AX in 2020.
That resulted in “hit while parked” becoming the most common incident – up from a 29.6 per cent share to 30.3 per cent – perhaps due to many motors spending more time lying idle.
Despite fewer journeys being made last year, AX believes safety technology such as automatic emergency braking (standard on most new vehicles) could have played a part in reducing tail-end bumps.
With millions of people working from home since the outbreak of Covid-19, AX’s data also showed a shift in the peak time of day for accidents to occur.

(Image: AX)
Usually, the evening commute from 5pm to 6pm experiences the highest accident rate. But last year that shifted to the school-run rush hour between 3pm and 4pm.
Although many offices were closed throughout the pandemic, schools remained open for large parts of the year despite various restrictions.
AX director of sales and operations Scott Hamilton-Cooper said: “It’s fascinating to see how the pandemic has impacted how and when collisions occur.
“For instance, our data shows a definite shift of incidents to early and mid-afternoon from the typical morning and afternoon rush hours.
“Ordinarily, our data would show that November to March is when the greatest number of accidents occur – when the days are shorter and wintry conditions can make the roads treacherous.

(Image: Getty Images)
“However, the result of lockdowns and a change in vehicle congestion levels mean our data will paint a very different picture this winter.”
And with many cars parked up during the latest lockdown, leasing firm Nationwide Vehicle Contracts has issued security tips to stop thieves taking your wheels.
If you’re running the engine to either stop it seizing up or de-ice your motor, don’t leave it unattended as this gives thieves the perfect opportunity to jump in and drive off in a “frost-jacking”.
Think about where you are parked up – private garages and public and private car parks are far safer that leaving your vehicle on a street.
If you do have to park on a road, try to ensure it is in a well-lit, frequently used area, making it visible to more of the public. An old-school steering wheel lock is also a great deterrent.
You should also empty your car of any tempting items such as sat navs and smartphones, as well as remove cables that hint at their presence. It may even be a good idea to leave your glovebox open, so it’s obvious there’s nothing of worth inside.
Tech-smart crooks also know how to amplify the signals of modern “keyless” fobs to steal cars. So store them securely as far from the car as possible.
Other things to consider include fitting a tracking device to your pride and joy or else getting the windows etched to aid with recovery if it is pinched.
Nationwide Vehicle Contracts boss Keith Hawes said: “With everything going on right now, motorists may not be thinking of the security of their cars as a priority.
“But just because the vast majority of us won’t be heading out of the house to work, doesn’t mean car thieves will be staying at home, too.
“People are finding things tough right now and the last thing anybody needs on top of other stresses is their car being stolen.”
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