DVLA updates processing dates as drivers face up to two-month wait for essential documents



Drivers are currently facing up to two months wait to receive essential documents from the DVLA.

The Covid pandemic has resulted in a backlog of paper applications being processed through at the moment.

Driving licence renewals, provision licence applications and name changes to current licences are just some of the services impacted.

Scots that are seeking a speedy turnaround in their application have been urged to apply through the DVLA website.

It has been claimed that online applications for a driving licence or vehicle registration certificate will be processed through within five days.

A spokesperson for the DVLA said: “As a result of ongoing Covid safety measures and the impact of previous industrial action by members of the Public and Commercial Services union, there are ongoing delays with processing paper applications.

“We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and our staff are working hard to reduce waiting times.

“There may be additional delays in processing more complex cases, for example, if medical investigations are needed as part of your driving licence application.”

The DVLA has updated the latest processing dates on paper applications

But for those still seeking a date for the return of their paper applications, the DVLA has updated its processing dates today.

Type of application Date currently being processed
Renew a driving licence with a new photo 25 January 2022
Apply for a first provisional driving licence with UK identity 14 February 2022
Renew a driving licence if you’re 70 or over or after disqualification or revocation 14 March 2022
Apply for a first vocational driving licence 15 March 2022
Renew a vocational driving licence 15 March 2022
Apply for a driving licence with non-UK identity 25 January 2022
Apply for or renew a tachograph card 16 March 2022
Apply to change your name or address on your driving licence 14 February 2022
Tell DVLA about the sale of a vehicle 15 March 2022
Vehicle registration certificate (V5C) changes 15 March 2022*
Apply for a replacement V5C log book 7 March 2022*
Register a vehicle for the first time (including previously used and imports) 8 March 2022
Retain or assign a vehicle registration number 8 March 2022

Can I still drive if I am waiting on a response?

The DVLA has confirmed that you may be able to continuing driving while the application is being processed, subject to meeting certain criteria.

Section 88 of the Road Traffic Act of 1988 states that drivers must meet the following criteria:

  • Your doctor must have told you that you are fit to drive. If your doctor is unsure about how a medical condition affects driving, they should refer to ‘Assessing fitness to drive – a guide for medical professionals’ atwww.gov.uk/dvla/fitnesstodrive
  • You have held a valid driving licence (see*below) and only drive vehicles you have applied for on your current application and were entitled to drive on your previous licence.
  • If you hold a Group 2 (bus or lorry) licence, your entitlement has not been suspended, revoked or refused by a traffic commissioner. You meet any conditions that were specified on your previous licence that still apply.
  • DVLA has received your correct and complete application within the last 12 months.
  • Your last licence was not revoked or refused for medical reasons.
  • You are not currently disqualified from driving by a court.
  • You were not disqualified as a high-risk offender on or after 1 June 2013 (a high-risk offender is a driver convicted of a serious drink driving offence).

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